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From Adversity to Awards: How Divorce Sparked My Journey to Empowerment (And How It Can for You Too)

So, just when I thought I'd stopped thinking "How on earth can this be my life, this is CRAZY"......this week something totally unexpected happened at the Scottish Women In Business (SWIB) Awards—I was presented with a Certification of Commendation for my “outstanding dedication, performance, and contributions to helping women thrive after divorce"

Linzi Kavanag receiving a Certification of Commendation for outstanding contributions to empowering women after divorce
So delighted to recieve this award from Scottish Women In Business

And while I’m so proud of this award and super grateful (and believe me I held it out on my way home on the train the way newly engaged girls hold out their left hand for all to see🤣), this recognition isn’t just about me.

It’s about YOU.

It’s proof that life after divorce doesn’t have to be stuck in the land of “what-ifs” and “should-haves.”

It can be a fresh start—an adventure where you get to rediscover yourself, rebuild your confidence, and say, “Bloody hell, who even knew I was capable of all this!” And THAT's divorce empowerment!

How It Started: Spoiler, I Wasn’t Always Thriving During Divorce!

Let’s rewind a little, though. There was a time when I couldn’t imagine getting an award for anything, let alone helping other women transform their lives. Honestly, just showering some days felt like an award-worthy accomplishment.

Divorce is tough. Not like, “cereal-for-dinner” and “binge-watching-bad-netflix” tough. Like wailing on your hands and knees on the bathroom floor tough.

I know because I’ve been there. I remember feeling completely lost—like I’d lost not just my marriage but my sense of identity. Who was I outside of my relationship? What did my future even look like now?

Sound familiar?

If you’ve been through a divorce (or are going through one now), you might know exactly what I’m talking about.

But here’s the thing that no one tells you:

Divorce isn’t the end of your story. It’s the messy middle that leads to an amazing new chapter.

Why This Award Matters (Spoiler: It’s Not Just About Me)

When I received this award, I wasn’t just celebrating my own journey. I was celebrating the journeys of all the women I’ve had the honour of supporting—women just like you.

Close-up of a Certification of Commendation awarded for exceptional dedication and contributions to empowering women after divorce.
So very proud of this!

Women who felt stuck, overwhelmed, and unsure of where to start but who decided they were ready for more. They were ready to stop letting their past define them and start taking control of their future.

So, this award? It’s a reminder that transformation is 100% possible.

If you’re sitting there thinking, “Ugh, I’m never going to get unstuck,” I want you to know that I’ve been there, and trust me, you absolutely can.

How Do You Start Thriving After Divorce? (Let’s Keep It Real)

Okay, so let’s talk about the real stuff. How do you go from feeling like a mess to feeling like a woman who’s rebuilding her life with confidence? Here are a few things that helped me—and they’re things I now help other women do, too:

  1. Focus on YOU, Not Your Ex (which seems obvious but I bet you're not!) I know, I know. It’s easy to stay wrapped up in what went wrong or what could have been different. But here’s the truth: This isn’t about him anymore. It’s about YOU. Focusing on your ex is just going to keep you stuck. Instead, shift that energy to rediscovering yourself—what do you want your next chapter to look like?

  2. Take Small, Consistent Steps (No Magic Wands Here) Look, I wish I could tell you that overnight you’ll wake up feeling like a million bucks. But thriving after divorce doesn’t work like that. It’s all about taking small, consistent steps. Maybe it’s committing to a daily self-care routine. Maybe it’s setting one new goal for yourself each week. Little by little, those steps will add up.

  3. Rebuild Your Confidence (Yes, You Can Do It) Divorce can leave your confidence in tatters—I get it. But here’s a secret: Confidence isn’t something you’re born with, it’s something you build. Start by celebrating the small wins. Every decision you make for yourself—whether it’s setting boundaries, learning something new, or simply taking care of yourself—helps you rebuild that confidence bit by bit.

  4. Find Your People (You’re Not Alone, I Promise) Going through divorce can feel isolating, but you’re not alone. Having support—whether from a friend, a coach, or a community—can make all the difference. Surround yourself with people who get it and who want to see you thrive.

The Best Part? You’re Not Alone on This Journey

You don’t have to figure this all out by yourself. I’ve been there, and that’s why I do what I do—to help women like you rediscover their worth, rebuild their confidence, and create lives they love after divorce.

It doesn’t matter if you’re feeling stuck, scared, or just plain exhausted from trying to figure it all out. I’m here to guide you through this. Together, we’ll move from the “I don’t know where to start” stage to the “Wow, I’m actually excited about my life again” stage. Sound good?

Why Thriving After Divorce Is Totally Possible (Even If You Don’t Believe It Yet)

Getting this award reminded me of something important: You are so much stronger than you think. It’s easy to doubt yourself, to think that your best days are behind you. But they’re not. Your best days are ahead, and you get to create them.

Here’s the thing: Your past doesn’t define your future. You have the power to write a new story, one that’s full of possibility, excitement, and, yes, maybe even some awards of your own (whether that’s an actual trophy or just celebrating how far you’ve come).

Ready to Reclaim Your Life? (You Got This!)

So, if you’re ready to stop feeling stuck and start thriving after your divorce, I’m here for you. Whether you’re looking to rebuild your confidence, figure out what’s next, or just need someone to say, “Yes, you CAN do this,” I’ve got your back.

Let’s work together to create a future that’s exciting, empowering, and totally yours. You deserve it. And the best part? You don’t have to do it alone.

DM me, email me or book in your FREE call and let’s get started on your next chapter. Trust me—it’s going to be amazing. 💖

P.S. Life’s Not Always as Perfect as It Seems—And That’s Okay

Now, before I wrap this up, I need to share something with you. Because let’s be real: No one’s life is perfect, no matter how polished things look from the outside. Want proof?

So, picture this: I’m walking back from the stage after accepting my award, feeling all kinds of proud and accomplished, when another woman taps me on the shoulder and gently says, “Hey, I think you need to know... you’ve got a bit of a situation.” That’s when I realized I’d gotten my period—and it had stained right through the back of my skirt! 😳Like....really badly.

Cue instant mortification. The joys of menopause, right?

But here’s where it gets amazing. Instead of panicking, I looked around and realized how strong and supportive women really are. Before I could even process what had happened, women were stepping in to help. One lady offered to tie her jacket around my waist, another handed me tissues, and others came to offer words of comfort or put me at ease with some jokes.

At first, I was beyond embarrassed. But then, I thought, Wow. Look at us. Look at how resilient, supportive, and powerful we are. We face challenges, we support each other, and we keep moving forward—whether it’s a stained skirt or a life-changing event like a divorce.

It was a reminder that no one has it all together, all the time. And that’s okay. The important thing is that we keep going, we keep lifting each other up, and we keep thriving, no matter what life throws our way. 💛


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