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Easiest and cheapest way to emotionally heal and recover from divorce

OK so I bet you've had a million thoughts like "If only my ex would give me the family home I'd be able to get over my divorce" or "If I could just win the lottery I'd get over my divorce". Or the one I repeated again and again "If I could only afford a holiday in the sun with time to rest and recover I'd be able to get over my divorce".

Here's the thing, all these are dependent on MONEY. 💰💰💰 And yeah, money helps during and after your divorce, it can take some of the stress away, it can give you a bit of security and it will definitely give you more choices but it won't actually help you heal.

And let's face it, money can be in SHORT supply during and after divorce!

What if I told you I knew how to help you get over your divorce and move on.....

and it's completely FREE!!

It's a notebook!!! Yip....really!

Bare with me! 😂

writing in journal to help you get over divorce
Journalling to help you recover from divorce

Divorce is one of life’s most challenging transitions (to put it mildly!) It can leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unsure of your next steps. It can leave you with no identity, no trust in yourself anymore and no connection to who you are.

Amidst this emotional whirlwind, finding a way to process your feelings and gain clarity is crucial. That’s where journaling comes in.

Journalling is so much more than just putting pen to paper. It’s a powerful tool for emotional release, self-discovery, and personal growth. By regularly documenting your thoughts and feelings, you create a safe space to explore your emotions and gain valuable insights.

Here are some fab reasons why you should make journalling part of your divorce journey.

Emotional Release

Divorce stirs up a storm of conflicting emotions – anger, sadness, confusion, and even relief. You hate him, you love him. You want him back/you never want to see him again. You want to wipe out all those memories and burn all your photos/you obsessively look at them all and want to keep them. It's a lot right?

Keeping these feelings bottled up can be draining, exhausting and can physically show up in your body like a stiff sore neck, stomach problems and headaches amongst others. Journaling provides an outlet to express these emotions freely. Getting them out of your head and onto paper can be incredibly cathartic, helping you to release all those pent-up feelings and reduce emotional stress.

Clarity and Perspective

When you’re in the middle of a divorce, it can be hard to see the bigger picture. Journalling helps you organize your thoughts and gain clarity. By reflecting on your experiences, you start to see patterns and understand your emotions better. This clarity is essential for creating trust in yourself, making informed decisions and moving forward. Which is exactly what we want!

Self-Reflection and Growth

Journaling encourages self-reflection, allowing you to delve deeper into your thoughts and feelings. . You’ll begin to understand what you truly want, what your values are, and how you can create a fulfilling life post-divorce.

Setting Goals and Intentions

Divorce marks the end of one chapter but also the beginning of another. Journaling helps you set new goals and intentions for your future. By writing down what's important to you and what you really want, you can create a roadmap for your new life. This practice not only keeps you focused but also motivates you to achieve your dreams and gives you a plan to follow.

Tracking Your Progress

One of the most rewarding aspects of journaling is being able to look back and see how far you’ve come. It's great to keep track of your journey. Tracking your progress provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts your confidence. It’s a tangible reminder of your resilience and growth and great to look at on those days you just feel "blah".

Enhancing Mindfulness

Journaling encourages mindfulness, which is the practice of simply being present in the moment. By focusing on your thoughts and feelings without judgment, you become more aware of your emotional state. This mindfulness helps you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and improves your overall well-being. It can stop us spiralling with all our disaster thoughts and the "but what if's?" and the ruminating over "how could it have been different".

OK so if all this sounds like exactly what you need here's a few tips to get you started.

How to Start Journalling

Starting a journalling practice is simple. All you need is a notebook and a pen.

  • Find a Quiet Space: Choose a comfortable, quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted. Get yourself a cosy blanket, light a candle and pour your favourite drink.

  • Set Aside Time: Dedicate a specific time for journalling when you won't be disturbed. Even 10-15 minutes can make a big difference. I like to take time just before bedtime as it clears my mind and gives me a better sleep.

  • Be Honest: Write openly and honestly about your thoughts and feelings. Remember, this journal is for your eyes only. Don't worry about grammer, or whether it makes sense or not. Just let the words come from your heart.

Your path to a brighter future begins with your first word on the page.

Stay tuned for some specific journal questions coming up to help you with EMOTIONAL RELEASE 💛


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