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How to survive divorce

This workshop will teach you a powerful strategy for using your mind, your energy and your time on YOU instead of your ex… 


So you can stop wasting your energy and feeling drained obsessing over the past, and start building a life you love.


This is worth £97 but you can access it today for just £17!

Has your ex been living in your head rent-free? Then you’re in the right place.

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Why join the workshop?


The strategy I teach inside is the key to getting your ex out of your headspace FOR GOOD. It will help you:


โœ” Stop constantly thinking about him night and day so you can free up that mind space to design and build a future you love


โœ” Stop stalking him on social media and instead, spend that time building connection to yourself, building a support circle around you and finding people online that inspire and motivate you to move forwards


โœ” No longer be dependent and controlled by triggers from your ex - no more ruined days from a nasty text or crying on your pillow because you saw a picture of him on date night!


โœ” Let go of the mental exhaustion that comes with obsessing over someone and something you can’t control 


โœ” Gain control of YOUR life and future, and become more focused and attentive on the things you DO have control over 


Are you ready to learn how to use your mind, energy and time to build a life you love instead of wasting it all thinking about your ex?

This is perfect for you if:

Single parenting

You’ve been obsessing over anything and everything to do with your ex / the divorce.

SIngle mum help

You are at least 3-6 months dowYou no longer want to be wasting your time fixating over the “what ifs?” or “what’s he been up to?” or “who’s he with this weekend?”n the line and have accepted that it’s time to move forwards with your life.

Divorce help for women

You want to be able to get your ex out of your headspace FOR GOOD so you can move on with your life and finally start thriving!

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It is YOUR time


The whole divorce process can be so draining and exhausting, especially if you're a mum. 


This is your chance to regain control of your life and to use your mind, energy and time for YOU.

Why listen to me?

How to thrive after divorce

Hey, I’m Linzi!    


I'm an empowerment coach for women experiencing separation and divorce.


The truth is, I’ve been where you are now. 

I’d been married for 16 years when my husband told me he was leaving me. I was a stay-at-home mum for the past 14 years and had no money to my name, zero savings, no childcare, rubbish credit and my name wasn’t even on our mortgage. 


But was I going to let it destroy me? Absolutely not!    


I overcame my grief, got my finances straight, developed an unwavering mindset, got my coaching qualification, started this incredible business and got my life back on-track!


There are so many divorce coaches out there. But few that have actually walked in your shoes.


You should also know that here, we are extremely future-focused. I understand the difficulties you’ve been going through more than anyone, and they will NEVER be brushed over. But we are here to move you forwards and get you to a place where you can step into your worthy AF self, develop bulletproof confidence and start thriving after your divorce!

Support with divorce

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