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Helping women like you to soar into a future filled with endless possibilities

To Your Future

Transform your life, unlock your full potential, and create the extraordinary life you've always dreamed of in a 6-month intensive programme.

6 Months
1-1 Transformational Experience

Are you ready to soar into a future filled with boundless possibilities? "Fly Into Your Future" is about crafting the extraordinary life you've always dreamed of.

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Programme Overview

"Fly Into Your Future" takes your healing and growth to the next level. This isn't just about moving on – it's about creating an extraordinary life filled with endless possibilities.

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- Amanda

Whats Included

Here's what you can expect from the Sparkle and Shine programme:

Key Benefits

Action Packed Plans

  • Develop actionable plans for your goals

  • Map out every step of your journey

Craft your Dream Future

  • Design your ideal life, from career to personal passions

  • Turn your dreams into reality


  • Receive continuous support and motivation

  • Stay focused and on track

Holistic Well Being

  • Enhance your overall well-being with a balanced approach

  • Integrate physical, emotional, and mental health practices

Pay in Full and Monthly Payment Plans are available 

You will receive:

Photo of a computer screen displaying digital courses, representing the comprehensive online programs offered by Linzi Kavana

  • Access to 6 months of personalised, tailored support from a qualified Divorce Coach

  • Fortnightly 1:1 hour-long Zoom sessions where you can ask questions, receive feedback, and be supported

  • Access to me via Voxer where you can ask questions and reach out for support between calls

  • Homework with action steps at the end of every call to give you something to work on for the following week

  • Plenty of useful guides and resources to keep you accountable

What makes this program different?

Photo of two hands clasped together, symbolizing the supportive community fostered by Linzi Kavanagh Coaching for women after

The High Level of Personalised Support

This programme is completely personalised and tailored to each individual. Whether you need support with co-parenting, finding yourself again, or even finding a new partner, I will meet you where you are.

Photo of running shoes in motion, symbolizing the progress and journey of personal growth and empowerment that women experien

I’ve Been in Your Shoes

My own marriage came to an unwanted end after 16 years. I had zero savings, tons of debt, and I was truly terrified. But I came out the other side, more confident and in control of my life than ever!

When I was going through my own divorce, I realised there was lots of advice on the practical and legal areas of divorce but little out there to specifically help with mental health during separation or divorce. That’s why I started this coaching business!

Symbol of a clock, representing the future and the transformative journey women embark on with Linzi Kavanagh

I am

Forward-Thinking and Future-Focused

A lot of divorce coaches out there focus on the past. We are not here to dwell on the past and have you reliving old memories! We will work on building your future, not rehashing your past. Because ultimately, this is what will move you forward.

Prepare for Powerful Shifts

The duration of the programme is 6 months, but the transformation is life-long and will affect every single area of your life.

Why listen to me?

Hey, I'm Linzi! 

I'm an empowerment coach for women experiencing separation and divorce.

The truth is, I’ve been where you are now.

I was married for 16 years when my husband told me he was leaving. As a stay-at-home mum for 14 years, I had no money to my name, zero savings, no childcare, rubbish credit, and my name wasn’t even on our mortgage.

But was I going to let it destroy me? Absolutely not!

I overcame my grief, got my finances straight, developed an unwavering mindset, earned my coaching qualification, started this incredible business, and got my life back on track!

There are many divorce coaches out there, but few have actually walked in your shoes.

You should also know that here, we are extremely future-focused. I understand the difficulties you’ve been going through more than anyone, and they will NEVER be brushed over. But we are here to move you forward and get you to a place where you can step into your worthy AF self, develop bulletproof confidence, and start thriving after your divorce!

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Ready to Fly?

Spread your wings and embrace the extraordinary life you were always meant to live.

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More Coaching Options

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Not sure what option is best for you?

Whether it’s over a cup of coffee or something a bit stronger, let’s have a relaxed conversation to see how I can support you.

This is an opportunity for us to get acquainted and discuss the various ways I can assist you. Every service I offer is tailored to your specific needs and budget. Together, we'll determine the best path forward for you.

Best of all, this consultation is completely free!

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